Jumat, 14 Desember 2012

Bücher Kostenlos , by Martin Lindström

Bücher Kostenlos , by Martin Lindström

What relation to the reading book task is from guide, you can see as well as understand just how the rule of this life. You will see how the others will gaze to others. As well as will certainly see exactly how the literature is developed for some entertaining definition. , By Martin Lindström is just one of the jobs by somebody that has such feeling. Based on some facts, it will certainly ensure you to open your mind as well as believe together concerning this topic. This publication appearance will certainly help you to earn much better concept of thinking.

, by Martin Lindström

, by Martin Lindström

, by Martin Lindström

Bücher Kostenlos , by Martin Lindström

Verbringen Sie Ihre Zeit auch nur für einige Minuten ein E-Book zu überprüfen , By Martin Lindström Checking out ein E-Book wird nie minimieren sowie verlieren Ihre Zeit wertlos zu sein. Lesen, für einige Leute kommen eine Voraussetzung zu sein, wie viel Zeit jeden Tag so zu tun , ist für das Konsumieren. Nun, genau das, was über Sie? Möchten Sie eine Publikation lesen? Jetzt werden wir zeigen Ihnen sicherlich ein neues Buch qualifiziert , By Martin Lindström , die eine neue Art und Weise sein kann , um das Wissen zu entdecken. Wenn dieses E-Buch bewerten, könnten Sie etwas ständig im Auge zu behalten in jeder Lesezeit, sogar kippen Schritt zu erhalten.

verschiedene Sicht. Ja, dieses Buch wird über eine neue Sache, die sicherlich nicht nur Einfluss, aber auch Unterricht verbessern und auch Erfahrung. Dieses , By Martin Lindström hat, auch als Soft-Dokumente, wird zeigen, dass Sie gemeinsame haben unter den Hunderten Besucher in der Welt zu sein. Ja, du bist ein Teil der großen Leute, die dieses Buch mögen.

Wenn Sie dieses Verhalten im täglichen zu tun, können Sie reich. Reich an Erfahrung, reich an Wissen, Lehre, sowie reich an qualifizierten Leben effektiv gewonnen werden. Also, nie mit Zweifeln oder verwirrt sein, was diese , By Martin Lindström dir geben. Diese aktuellste Veröffentlichung ist wieder ein äußerst unglaubliches Buch von Menschen wie Sie zu überprüfen. Das Material ist so geeignet wie auch passt genau das, was Sie gerade brauchen.

Egal, Ihr Hintergrund ist es für Sie angeboten, die oberste weiche Dokumente Veröffentlichung von , By Martin Lindström Nach dem Leitfaden über den Link Website zu erhalten, die wir hier anbieten, können Sie nach, dass es in Ihr Tool speichern. Gizmo, Laptop-Computer, Computersystem und auch Scheiben werden angeboten, um diese Dokumente zu entsprechen. Es zeigt an, dass, wenn Sie Führungs nehmen Sie das weiche declare ein Tool nutzen könnten. Es ist eigentlich angenehm, nicht wahr?

, by Martin Lindström


Format: Kindle Ausgabe

Dateigröße: 920 KB

Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 258 Seiten

ISBN-Quelle für Seitenzahl: 1250080681

Verlag: John Murray (10. März 2016)

Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.

Sprache: Englisch


Text-to-Speech (Vorlesemodus):


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Word Wise: Aktiviert



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Verbesserter Schriftsatz:


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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

4.6 von 5 Sternen

3 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

#243.321 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)

Herr Lindstrom hat wirklich viel gesehen und auch viele interessante Ideen entwickelt.Was das Lesen nur ziemlich mühsam macht, ist der recht "lieblose" Druck - sehr klein, kaum strukturiert.Die Redaktion hätte sich wirklich mehr anstrengen können. Beispiel: Serie --- for Dummies"

Man wird mit lebendigen Beispielen daran erinnert, wie wichtig qualitative Betrachtungen sind und bleiben, in Zeiten wo Zahlen und Daten unser Arbeit als Marketier dominieren.

Wie immer, hat mich auch dieses Mal der Autor mit seiner Recherche überzeugt. Dieses Buch (und alle andere von Herrn Lindstrom) ist sowohl für Studenten (aller Programme!!), Unternehmen bzw. Marketing-Abteilungen und natürlich alle Enthusiasten, die von der Konsumentenpsychologie begeistert sind, geeignet.

I must admit that I feel a bit hoodwinked into buying this book. "Social Data Mining" or one of the many other suggested titles in the reviews would be much more apt. As many others note too, I got an impression of pompousness and arrogance from the author. The way it is written, the author presents himself as a great diviner of the clues that everyone else misses. Having lived in or visited many of the countries discussed, I could not support many of the author's observations. The idea that America lacks freedom because "hotel windows are sealed... shut" (an observation I cannot corroborate) is ludicrous to the point of being offensive. Even if this were true, it is surely due to liability issues (a point the author concedes in passing). The idea that business people wear backpacks because of some pining for foregone school days is ridiculous. Could it possibly be that a backpack is a convenient method of transporting things? Apparently not for Lindstrom. It was a tiring read. Nearer the end I started skipping paragraphs and was just in it to be able to say that I had read it - not that anyone will ever ask, or that anything in this book will ever be applicable to anything I do. As someone who works in big data, I was hoping to come away with a different perspective on data in general, and maybe some insights that I could apply to working with data. I came away with neither. Very few people will glean any applicable takeaways from this text. If you do social research you will enjoy this book; if you don't, you won't.

Clearly Mr. Lindstrom is a genius at what he does or he wouldn't be consulting for some of the biggest brands in the world. And he's certainly given me a lot to think about and HOW to think about things. And kudos to Mr. Lindstrom. He is the FIRST author I have ever read - Kindle or otherwise - where I actually used the dictionary to look up a word. Not that I'm super versed in vocabulary or anything, but its the first time I've actually looked up a word.But my issue is it seems he's deducing an awful lot from very little. And granted, that's the premise of this book, there are some things that I thought, "OK, this is REALLY stretching it." One example that comes to mind is the the teen girls who do not use oil based face creams. "Most girls are canny enough to know that oil-based creams, text messaging and selfie taking don't mix." I don't think its quite that profound. It's more like "any teenager knows - or at least have the perception - that oil-based ANYTHING, lotion, make up, etc. is going to make you more prone to pimples."Clearly he's the expert here. But as a consumer an observer of consumers and human nature, sometimes the answer is a lot more simple than experts make this out to be.

The author drags on and on and on about pointless stories from his own perspective which is not based on facts at all. Felt like he never really gets to the point. This is one of the worst books I've ever read.

I really enjoyed Buyology but Small Data was just okay. Martin shares some interesting insights into people and their habits but sometimes digressed so much I had to shake my head and remind myself what his original point was or what he was tying to support/prove. It reminded me of talking to a grandparent who feels the need to go off on rabbit trails and you just want them to get to the point.

He spends about 300 nights a year in other people’s homes. While there, Martin Lindstrom interviews them, looks through their closets and refrigerators, examines their posters, pictures, furniture, and other decorative items, seeking for clues which he calls “small data.” His book describes his methods of investigation and how he detects patterns in apparently insignificant, and often disparate, observations. Yet, his hypotheses and conclusions have helped businesses enhance their brands and significantly improve their market share.The book was quite interesting but, for me at least, difficult to follow. Lindstrom’s global thought processes felt scattered, but working through the book was instructive and often surprising.Lindstrom seeks clues to people’s desires, but not necessarily their obvious desires or desires of which they themselves are aware. He does so on the basis of some postulates scattered throughout the book.• People have multiple identities, one of which Lindstrom refers to as “the Twin Self.” He asserts that “The Twin Self has two elements, both of which are linked to desire: what we had once, but lost, and what we once dreamed about having but never possessed.” (p. 204)• “It may sound overly dramatic, but men and women tend to rebel against whatever imbalances exist in their countries. They do this consciously and unconsciously. “ (pp. 29 & 30)• “We can get rid of desire by surrendering to it, or we can resist and deny it. But desire can’t help but show up somewhere in our lives . . .” (p. 38)Through a series of case studies and anecdotes, Lindstrom proceeds to show the reader how he observes and thinks about potential clues in order to detect the desires of customers and clients.Other arresting ideas in the book include these:• “Disney Chairman and CEO Bob Iger and Apple CEO Steve Jobs once had a conversation about retail, during which Jobs told Iger that retailers should always ask themselves one question: ‘If a store could talk, what would it say to the people entering it?’” (p. 112)• “Subconsciously, it seemed, girls perceived a clothing store less on what it has for sale, and more on the other women who are shopping there. (The same is often true for prospective female students when they visit college and university campuses.) If the other girls aren’t cool or aspirational enough, a girl will take her business elsewhere.” (p. 156)• “Every successful brand stands for something more than itself, and that thing is emotional. A great brand promises hope, the contagion of coolness, or desirability, or love, or romance, or acceptance, or luxury, or youth, or sophistication, or high-quality technology.” (p. 173)If you are responsible for your organization’s success (and who isn’t?), this book is well worth reading.

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, by Martin Lindström PDF

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